Monday, July 30, 2012

Progress And Things To Work On...

I'm making progress!!!!  Yeah me!!!!  Chica was the first to trust me to control Bailey.  I do my absolute best NOT to lose sight of her, but it does occasionally happen, like last night...And when she does go after Chica or Curley, they are quick to let me know it!  It's usually Curley because he's also a Cocker and must remind her of her Mom.  I don't think they'd mind her...if she wasn't always trying to bite them...but I guess that's how puppies play.  When Peanut was a puppy we didn't have any other dogs in the house, so I didn't see this with him and when we brought Chica home, she was so submissive she didn't dare go after him.  There is NOTHING submissive about Bailey, though.  She's just a happy-go-lucky, love-me-to-death puppy!

And as long as I keep her sufficiently exhausted, the other two will lay near her.  To that end, we continue to go on mmmaaannnyyyy walks every day.  So many, in fact, that I lost almost four lbs last week!  Since I was off, we started with a walk to the corner and back as soon as everyone was up (Curley's the late riser).  We'd usually go around the block once everyone was up from their morning naps.  They'd go down again until after lunch and since it was hot out we'd usually go up to the corner and back.  Then, as the sun was setting, we'd go around the block one more time.

Things are a little different this week because I headed back to work.  Half-days today and tomorrow, then leaving at 1:00 Wednesday, with full days Thursday and Friday.  I wanted to gradually get Bailey used to staying in her crate for extended periods.  So last night we went for a walk and then we were all tucked in bed a little after 10:00.

The alarm went off at 5:20 this morning and because I'd gone to bed so early, I didn't have any trouble getting up.  In fact, I was up a little before it went off.  Jumped in the shower, put my pjs back on and took Bailey and Chica out.  Then I blocked Bailey and I in the front hall while I did my hair and make-up.  I left her there with breakfast while I ironed my clothes.

By 6:40 we were heading out the door.  We had enough time to get around the block!  Then it was off to work for me.  Alex came home about 9:45 and took the kids out.  He called to say all had peed and were back in their respective homes with Bailey being the only one protesting her lot in life.  And before I knew it, it was 11:30 and I was on my way home.

After lunch, we headed up to the corner and back as it was too hot to go much further.  They went back to sleep and didn't get up again until Alex came home.  He kept them amused while I made dinner and then I grabbed Bails and we headed up to PetSmart.  I needed to get some cleaning solution for her ears and a water bottle for her crate.  I also picked up some bows for her hair. The ladies there made such a fuss over her.  They couldn't get over how well she walked on a leash for being so young!

Back home again, I picked up Chica and Curley and we set out for our evening walk.  Our street was crowded, so I headed down Summer to Norwood and up Norwood.  Instead of turning down Bryant, I headed up to West Utica and turned there, then down Ashland.  We met many nice people (thanks to Bails, of course!) and at the end of our walk had gone a full mile!  Everyone is now happily snoozing away!

But it's not all beans and rice in the Cedeno household!  Over the last day and a half or so, some character flaws with Curley have come to light and I think a lot of it has to do with him being deaf and blind in one eye.  He does NOT like runners.  He lunged at one on yesterday morning's walk.  He does NOT like other dogs-he has been barking at them and pulling with the leash to the point where he's up on two legs.  And he does NOT like little kids on scooters.  So, Alex started working with him on our walk last night after the bit about the kids reared its ugly head and I continued to work on the other dog problem this morning.

We switched Curley from the flexi leash back to a short leash and Alex had him walking by his side.  Curley was tense at first, but then relaxed and walked right next to him.  On this morning's walk, we ran into some dogs and the timing on my corrections was so spot-on there was no growling or pulling.  He only saw me.  This evening's walk my timing was not as good as we came around a blind corner to a woman walking a lab or some other large breed.  Since I was looking behind me to check on Bailey, he saw them first and got off a bark or two before I was able to correct him, but there was no pulling and no temper tantrum.  He again looked to me.  I do not think it will take us long to iron these minor problems out since Cesar has taught us so well what to watch out for and because I stayed calm and assertive when Curley barked, he responded to my pulls instantly.  I have not had to resort to a touch to snap him out of it.

And as for my's takes some convincing to get my little home-body started, but once I have her going, she walks like the pro she is and although Cesar would disagree with my use of a flexi leash and allowing her to walk ahead of us, until Bailey gets bigger, this method is working best for me.  She follows Chica's example and isn't getting strangled if Chica gets spooked by an unexpected sound.  There will be plenty of time to get the three of them to walk behind or beside me in the years to come.  For now I just want to keep them happily exhausted....

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