Saturday, August 11, 2012

Bailey Conquers Her Biggest Fear

It took her almost three weeks to overcome her fear, but yesterday Bailey finally went down the stairs!  I followed Cesar's advice and sat a few stairs down, then held the leash loose, without tension, but without enough slack where she could run away.  I let her figure out on her own and patiently waited for her to do just that.

After she made it down the first one she decided another rest was in order and it was a bit before she tackled another step, but she eventually got the hang of it and got a whole lot of loving from her Mommy at the bottom!  No food rewards were needed-the happiness she saw in her Mommy at her accomplishments was reward enough because she goes down them like a champ now and we're working on potty training in earnest.

Love that last picture of her!  So proud of my big girl!  Now I just have to get her to stop picking on her brother and sister when she beats them to the top of the stairs on our way back in...

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